Urban Sol Yoga

MIND. Body. Soul.


Vinyasa is a creative and dynamic form of yoga that uses breath to link physical yoga postures. Each class is different and postures are sequenced in a way to help increase flexibility, strengthen and tone muscles, and allow you to tune in to your body’s own rhythm.


Class Level: Although all levels are welcome, a reasonable level of fitness/mobility is required.


A mindful style of yoga that uses longer holds to access the fascia and connective tissue in the body. In Yin Yoga postures are more passive asanas, mainly done on the floor. Yin Yoga is unique in that you are asked to relax in the posture, soften the muscles and move closer to the bone. It is not uncommon to see postures held for 3-7 minutes. The time spent in these postures is much like time spent in meditation and draws the attention inward. Yin yoga offers much deeper access to the body, particularly the fascia (the interconnective tissue beneath your skin) which can improve flexibility and calm the nervous system. Yin Yoga helps balance our bodies, minds, and nervous systems from the Yang of our daily lives. You will leave feeling balanced and renewed.

Class Level: This class is accessible for all levels.

Somatic Yoga

Somatic yoga combines gentle intuitive movements, breathwork, and mindful stretches. It’s designed to help you release tension and improve your mind-body connection. The focus is on the internal experience of movement rather than external form or posture.


Class Level: This class is accessible for all levels.

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5 Elements of a Yoga Class for Newbies

If you’re new to yoga, you might find some of the lingo as challenging as balancing on one leg!
Get our free beginners guide to your first yoga class.

“We don’t use the body to get into a pose. We use the pose to get into the body.”  ~Bernie Clark

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